首页初中作文Don't lend money to your friends-you will lose both_别借钱给你朋友—_初一作文的作文大全Don't lend money to your friends-you will lose both_别借钱给你朋友—_初一作文的作文大全

Don't lend money to your friends-you will lose both_别借钱给你朋友—_初一作文的作文大全

To Loan or Not to Loan: The Friendships at Stake—A False Dichotomy

Would you extend a financial hand to a friend in need? In my view, a modest sum, say, under two hundred yuan, is a gesture of goodwill I'd readily offer. Such a trifle would not sully our bond should it go unpaid. Thus, the maxim "do not lend to friends, for you shall lose twice over" seems a simplistic adage. The truth, I believe, is more nuanced, hinging not on whether to lend, but how much. A paltry sum may be a lifeline to a struggling friend, while substantial amounts require a deeper dive into the specifics of the situation.